Votre accueil téléphonique sur mesure

Annonce Vocale

Vous diffusez un message de bienvenue dès la première sonnerie pour informer l’appelant que son appel est pris en compte. Vos interlocuteurs sont rassurés et patientent davantage.   

Le message de SVI vous permet d’aiguiller rapidement les appelants vers le service de votre entreprise qu'il souhaite joindre (tapez 1 pour le service commercial, tapez 2 pour le service technique, tapez 3 … )

La téléphone d'entreprise 100% hébergée


VoxCloud Centrex est une plate-forme de communications unifiée, fournie en mode hébergé, qui vous permet d'accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités téléphoniques d'un PABX ainsi qu'à de nombreux services à valeur ajoutée.

Vous profitez ainsi d’un service clé en main vous libérant de toutes les contraintes liées à la gestion et à la maintenance de votre service de téléphonie. Vous n’avez plus d’équipements à acheter ni d’infrastructure Télécom à gérer. La téléphonie de votre entreprise devient un service : plus souple et plus performant.

First Article

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

Fourth Showcase

Fourth Showcase

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

Third Showcase

Third Showcase

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

Second Showcase

Second Showcase

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies. Seamlessly procrastinate proactive outsourcing whereas wireless products. Progressively leverage existing 24/365 experiences through timely initiatives.

First Showcase

First Showcase

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.